Today I learned from a trusted source that Apple is poised to make history next Saturday when it unveils the worlds first advertisement that can be seen from space. []
Na klar. Schon mal auf den Kalender geschaut? Sonnabend, 1. April 2006.
Es gibt 13 Beiträge mit dem Schlagwort Apple.
Today I learned from a trusted source that Apple is poised to make history next Saturday when it unveils the worlds first advertisement that can be seen from space. []
Na klar. Schon mal auf den Kalender geschaut? Sonnabend, 1. April 2006.
Das erklärt Clayton Christensen in der BusinessWeek.
Can Apple keep it up? I don’t think so. […] If they don’t open up the architecture and begin trying to be the iTunes inside all MP3 players, they’re going to have to keep coming up with the next cool thing.
The next cool thing? Ja, warum eigentlich nicht?
Es ist Freitag. Und damit höchste Zeit, ein paar Dinge wegzubloggen, die mir hier den Firefox verstopfen.