in Technologie

Hut ab

Trüge ich einen Hut, dann würde ich ihn jetzt ziehen. Und zwar vor Six Apart und ihrem Krisenmanagement. Aber der Reihe nach.

Gestern morgen war der Fischmarkt plötzlich auf dem Stand vom Juli. Matthias Schrader, früh im Büro, fiel das sofort auf, drückte auf den Kopf und publizierte mit Typepad die fehlenden Einträge. Alles schien wunderbar.

Auch wenn böse Zungen anderes behaupten, ist der Fischmarkt nicht unsere Hauptbeschäftigung. Also fiel niemandem auf, dass einige Bilder fehlten. Bis heute um 11.28 Uhr. Da ging eine Mail von Heiko Hebig persönlich ein, mit der er auf das Problem aufmerksam machte.

Hallo Martin,

wir hatten einen Serverausfall bei TypePad, der u.a. Eure Weblogs unter betroffen hat.

Unser Tech-Team hat über Nacht fast alle Daten wieder hergestellt. Der aktuelle Status wird regelmässig hier veröffentlicht:

Wenn Inhalte aus Eurem Weblog "verschwunden" sind, sollte ein erneutes Veröffentlichen aller Weblogs das Problem beheben.

Sollten auch danach weiterhin Inhalte fehlen, bitte ich um eine kurze Nachricht – gerne direkt an mich oder als Hilfe-Ticket.

Bei weiteren Fragen bitte einfach Email an mich.

Mit besten Grüßen,

Heiko Hebig
Six Apart Europe,
Business Development

warf also einen genaueren Blick auf den Fischmarkt und stellte fest,
dass tatsächlich etwas fehlte. Während ich noch überlegte, ob ich
sofort oder später mit den Aufräumarbeiten beginnen wollte, kam eine
weitere Mail, diesmal vom CEO:


You are
receiving this email from me because I want to explain and apologize for a
problem with the TypePad service that has affected your weblog.

A system
that services a small number of TypePad blogs experienced a significant problem
that resulted in a loss of some data on disks used for those blogs.  We have
been working diligently to restore this data and we were able to restore all of
your published blogs and posts from our database backups. But due to a problem
with our normal backups we could not recover a number of uploaded files,
including photos, videos and other linked files.

Unfortunately your account,, 
including your blogs and photo albums, if any, were among the blogs affected,
and as many as 34 files were not recoverable by our system.  At this point the
only solution is for you to restore this data from your personal files.  To make
this process as easy as possible for you, details about the images and data
missing from your blog as well as instructions to restore this data can be found


I cannot
begin to tell you how sorry we are about this problem. I know that it is
unforgivable that a service you have trusted has not lived up to that trust.  We
take our job very seriously and we are very proud of the service we have built. 
We know that what you put up on your blog is important to you and that you trust
us to protect it.  This has always been our goal and over the two years we have
been running TypePad we have never experienced an error of this nature. While
this error affected very few users, we know this fact is of no comfort to you as
one of the impacted individuals, and it is of no comfort to us as the people
entrusted with yours and many other people’s data.

We are
immediately taking the following actions in an attempt to earn back your trust
and ensure that such a problem never reoccurs.

1. The
TypePad support team is standing ready to answer any questions you have about
how to restore your data to your blog.  If you require assistance with how to do
this, please do not hesitate to contact our support team by filing a help ticket

2. We will
be extending your TypePad subscription for free by 12 months in recognition of
the inconvenience we have caused.

3. We have
reviewed and modified our back-up procedures to ensure that this type of problem
never recurs. We are also doing a complete audit of our operations procedures to
make sure that all our procedures meet or exceed industry standards.

4. Even
prior to this problem we were planning a move of our server operations to a
center with even more redundancy, capacity  and a very high level of protection
from natural disasters.  At the same time we are creating a new emergency
recovery facility in case of  a massive disaster that would allow us to restart
the service quickly from a separate physical location. This move should be
completed before the end of the year.

I am sorry
that these actions are too late to avoid the inconvenience to you, but I hope
these steps make it clear that we are not taking this matter lightly. We will do
all we can to be the service you expect us to be and deserve.  We truly
appreciate your patience.  Please feel free to communicate with me about
anything we may have overlooked to make this recovery easier for you.



Barak Berkowitz
Chairman and CEO
Six Apart, Ltd.

der Seite, deren Link ich oben ausgespart habe, stand alles, was ich
wissen musste. Also habe ich den restlichen Nachmittag mit der
Fischmarkt-Reparatur verbracht.

Vorbildliches Krisenmanagement, kann ich da nur sagen. (Auch wenn
das Wort "Krise" in diesem Fall wohl etwas zu hoch gegriffen ist, da
das Problem nur einen sehr kleinen Teil der Nutzer betraf.) So mancher
Serviceanbieter im Web kann da nicht mithalten.