Schon im Februar hat Paul Beelen ein Whitepaper namens Advertising 2.0 veröffentlicht, das trotz einiger Schwächen im Detail eine lesenswerte Einführung ins Thema aus Werbe-, Marketing- und Mediensicht bietet. (Nico Zorn wies gestern darauf hin.)
Eine Passage aus dem Papier:
Advertising has long been based partially on something called information-asymmetry. The company knows more than the consumer, and uses this information to seduce a target group or to correct a common perception by manipulating a market. Simplified, if a company knows its products are being seen as technically inferior by many consumers, it might want to address that problem in an advertising campaign. The effect such a campaign would have on isolated consumers is far higher than the effect it will have on a hyper connected market, as each individual is now able to tap from the knowledge of a huge base of consumers, who probably came to the conclusion the products were technically inferior even before the company knew it. In other words, information asymmetries have been ‘mortally wounded’ by today’s connecting technologies.
In fact, one might say that hyper connected individuals are less likely to be influenced by advertising. Also, hyper connectivity leaves no room for mistakes,nor does it allow advertising to lie or to omit the truth. Therefore, advertising will need to adapt and learn to communicate with consumers in a fair, transparent way. Consumers now have access to information they didn’t have access to before, and they will use it to judge advertising campaigns, and invalidate them whenever possible.